H there
Well a busy time is being had by all at the College just now. All working like mad on the final pieces for the exhibition. I have had a few moments whilst attaching the wet felting pieces to the spiral. The silk papers that I created didn't work well on the large spiral. They were ok when I did sample for the sketchbook, but didn't work well when alongside the wet felting once attached the the spiral as larger pieces. That was a surprise to me and it meant that I had to head back to the table in my kitchen and produce more pieces for the final installation. But I've love creating this.
yip, I was in a soapy bubble trying to made more pieces.
This is a picture of the pattern left from too much soap when I was making a wet felting piece. I loved the pattern it created. A minute later, and the shapes were gone. Just thought I'd share that one.
It has taken many pieces of felting to cover the spiral and I've also been trying to crochet wire and garden twine as well. These will be attached to depict safety and linkage from one need to another.I think that the colours of the twine could be better mixed, but I am running out of time. I attached as many samples as I could and then re-arranged them all again. I've also been trying initially to attach them with invisible thread. This was taking too long, so I have used threads from the mesh. That's working fine and it's a quicker solution. When I did the lighting test with Mike last week, the led light washed out sections that I didn't expect it would.That also added to the reasoning behind having to produce more final samples to attach. It was a must to try that out last week, and not leave it till next Tuesday when Mike is back for the exhibition set-up.
This is a section of the felting on the spiral.I am trying to create a shape to flow with the upward spiral, and it's proving to be an interesting challenge. But one that I am loving doing. I've always wanted to be able to create a lighting installation,and one that includes wet felting, for me, is a bonus. There is so much to do before next Thursday but it will happen. I am seeing Martin tomorrow to finalise the soundscape to accompany the installation. Here's hoping that session goes well. Time is now running out. I really do hope that when people visit the exhibition, that my art work gives them a joyful experience. That is the intention, so we'll see.
This is the spiral before I attached more sections to day. It's coming along ok. The light creates such a atmosphere from looking at it in the artificial light of the room. I'm still deciding on the colour of light for exhibiting it.Can't really decide on that until it's finished.
Onward and upwards.
Also managed to get the statement for assessment handed in by 9am Monday morning. I found that a really difficult task for this project, but hopefully I've explained my intentions and concept well enough.
I'm away now to create more soapy bubbles.