Monday, 4 August 2014

Weird & Wonderful Exhibition at Makers Gallery now on

Hi there
I set off to the preview night of the Weird & Wonderful Exhibition at the Makers Gallery & Bistro. It is in Alloa, not too far away from where I live. I was apprehensive and excited at the same time. My Hessian costume was being displayed. The piece is called Rags to Riches. My apprehension was due to not knowing how the piece would be received. My fears were unfounded. All who were there that evening seemed to like it. The Hessian sacks were kindly given to me by the Burgh Coffee Shop in Stirling. Once they held coffee,and now they have been reused and recycled to create a costume. It is displayed on the window ledge of the Gallery. I am still very thrilled that I have my first piece of art exhibited since gaining my degree in Art & Design.It is for sale, and it will be interesting to see if any viewer deems it worthy of purchasing.

The exhibition runs from now up to the 7th November
There is something for everyone in this exhibition, and items are available to purchase.
back view with lace-up fastening

Saturday, 26 July 2014

latest news since achieving my Art & Design Degree

Hi there
The end of year exhibition was a huge success and my installation was more than well received by all who viewed it. I was thrilled with the reaction to it. The whole exhibition was a great event and many people came through the doors to view a variety of exhibits.
I am now so delighted to be able to say that I am a BA Art & Design Graduate. So thrilled and can't wait to continue on this ever changing and eventful part of my life.
The update of news is that my Hessian costume, Rags to Riches, which can be viewed on my website, which is, is going to be exhibited at the Weird & Wonderful Exhibition at the Makers Gallery & Bistro in Alloa, Ludgate, Alloa, FK10 2DE, from the 1st - November 7th. This is a collaborative showcase of  art and crafts.
The preview opening is on Friday 1st Aug from 7-9pm. I'll be delighted to be there and see my costume in place within the exhibition.I think this exhibition will be great to see with much a variety of exhibits. When people visit they can also enjoy great lunches within the bistro there. It's a very creative and inspiring place to be.
If you are needing any info on the exhibition then e-mail

I'll update again very soon. Bye for now.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Finished installation and exhibition now on

Hi there
This is the last post linking to my final installation. The opening night went really well and there were quite a few people in to see the exhibition on Friday. It runs till this Wednesday and then we take it down on Thursday, after we get our results. That's going to be a weird day, but I really hope that the results are good for us all. Who knows what will happen.Fingers crossed.
 This is a photo of the installation with one of the sequenced colours.The photograph was taken from the outside of the space. It also has a sound-scape running, and a relaxing scent sprayed when I feel it necessary. The space is really good for people either to view in through the open curtain, go in and close the curtain for a more sheltered and private look, or enter and leave the curtain open. Whatever makes people feel more secure.
I am very pleased with the response. It has turned out as I hoped it would, and that's a joy.My own fifth level of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, that of self actualisation has indeed been met.I can't ask for more than that. Well, yes I can. I can ask for a pass for my degree.Now that would be wonderful. I'll post what happens with that. Also, thanks to anyone who has been reading my blog throughout the final part of my studies.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Exhibition preview tomorrow

Hi again
Almost the last post with regards to my Studio Practice 2 and the end of year exhibition. The setting up of the lighting sequence yesterday went well. Lights set. Soundscape set, and the last minute bits and pieces to sort for the preview tomorrow at 7pm.

I am really please with the end result. My design has worked,and that is thrilling. A better photograph will be posted showing the total installation.Can't really see the top in this photo.I have indeed hit the fifth level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, that of self actualisation. This is a special time. One that I will always remember.
 I took this photograph from the top of the spiral, ladder helped ofcourse. It is showing the vilene tubular section, and the polystyrene inside the steel spiral shape that the vilene is secured into. The LED light was also on. I like this photograph, due to it's composition and the angle at which the photograph was taken.
Will post information once the preview opening has taken place. It will be an exciting and interesting evening.
Bye bye

Sunday, 1 June 2014

exhibition being set up from tomorrow

Hi there
I have completed and attached all the final pieces of wet felting to my spiral of needs. This has  been a real labour of love.The final pieces have taken nearly three weeks to made and attach, but it's been worth every minute. It's been amazing for me to create my intended design solution for my exhibition piece. It's very exciting.
this image shows a lighting experiment prior to completion.

There have been many more sections added to the spiral since this photograph.
I will be finalising the colours for the lighting this week, and adding the sound-scape.Mike is kindly coming back in to the college this Tuesday to help set the colour sequence required on the lighting desk. When the piece is lit with those final colour combinations, then I will be posting a picture.
It will be a busy week for everyone getting ready for the opening on Thursday evening, but I'm sure we'll all get there.
We have to. 
Bye bye 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Exhibition opening a week tomorrow...AAAHHH!!!

H there
Well a busy time is being had by all at the College just now. All working like mad on the final pieces for the exhibition. I have had a few moments whilst attaching the wet felting pieces to the spiral. The silk papers that I created didn't work well on the large spiral. They were ok when I did sample for the sketchbook, but didn't work well when alongside the wet felting once attached the the spiral as larger pieces. That was a surprise to me and it meant that I had to head back to the table in my kitchen and produce more pieces for the final installation. But I've love creating this.
yip, I was in a soapy bubble trying to made more pieces.

This is a picture of the pattern left from too much soap when I was making a wet felting piece. I loved the pattern it created. A minute later, and the shapes were gone. Just thought I'd share that one.

It has taken many pieces of felting to cover the spiral and I've also been trying to crochet wire and garden twine as well. These will be attached to depict safety and linkage from one need to another.I think that the colours of the twine could be better mixed, but I am running out of time. I attached as many samples as I could and then re-arranged them all again. I've also been trying initially to attach them with invisible thread. This was taking too long, so I have used threads from the mesh. That's working fine and it's a quicker solution. When I did the lighting test with Mike last week, the led light washed out sections that I didn't expect it would.That also added to the reasoning behind having to produce more final samples to attach. It was a must to try that out last week, and not leave it till next Tuesday when Mike is back for the exhibition set-up. 
This is a section of the felting on the spiral.I am trying to create a shape to flow with the upward spiral, and it's proving to be an interesting challenge. But one that I am loving doing. I've always wanted to be able to create a lighting installation,and one that includes  wet felting, for me, is a bonus. There is so much to do before next Thursday but it will happen. I am seeing Martin tomorrow to finalise the soundscape to accompany the installation. Here's hoping that session goes well. Time is now running out. I really do hope that when people visit the exhibition, that my art work gives them a joyful experience. That is the intention, so we'll see.
This is the spiral before I attached more sections to day. It's coming along ok. The light creates such a atmosphere from looking at it in the artificial light of the room. I'm still deciding on the colour of light for exhibiting it.Can't really decide on that until it's finished.
Onward and upwards.
Also managed to get the statement for assessment handed in by 9am Monday morning. I found that a really difficult task for this project, but hopefully I've explained my intentions and concept well enough.
 I'm away now to create more soapy bubbles.


Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Exhibition getting closer, it's all very exciting

I have managed to gain access to the space that my installation will be exhibited throughout the exhibition, since clearing the space last Friday.
trying out some textile pieces on the spiral/mesh support

before I started to work within the chosen exhibition space, I tried one or two of my final samples on the mesh covered spiral. This gave me a good idea of whether the amount that I had made would create the effect that I was trying to achieve. It was a test which was invaluable. It confirmed for me that the installation would look the way I had planned it to look. Certainly at this stage. It also helped me to determine how many more felted and felted organza pieces I had to create to cover area. Some pieces seemed to work better than others when I am seeing the natural light through them within the room.However, that is something I expected. I am not going to really be able to determine the total effect of the attached pieces until Mike and I do the lighting experiment within the space. That will be happening on Thursday. I have left enough time in case there are any major changes to my design which I have to do following his visit. It will also be the first time he has been in the space. This will also be beneficial for Mike, for when he comes in the set the lights on the set-up days starting the 2nd June. Thursday will be a combination of excitement and apprehension. I really do hope that my project planning and design work well within the space, alongside the lighting and sound-scape.
I am seeing Martin this week also to hear the first recording of the ideas which I discussed with him. I had quite a strong idea of what I wanted the track to be, and this will now be us both heading into sorting the final sound track for exhibition. There will be editing to do and I need to make sure that times are arranged with him this week for recording the tap steps and for the following week prior to set-up week, for editing and finalising.
crochet fishing gut with led light behind 

This image above shows the fishing gut which I have crochet into long sections.I placed an led light behind it. I wanted to find a medium which could portray bubbles, linking to the percentage of water which makes up a human being.I also want to include water sounds within the sound track, so there is also a link with that.I also thought it might work well at the top of the spiral, due to it catching the light well. I won't know if this will work or even be necessary until I am working directly on to the piece and have finalised all other sections. It may be too heavy aesthetically and it may also not work well alongside the felting.It does work with the silk paper but it depends on the colour I decide to sue for the top two areas of the spiral, as to whether this will blend in. Angelina fibres would also work well, but only if used sparingly. Have to get on now, as per usual there is much to do. One thing is for sure, I am never bored.Thankfully. I am loving every minute of creating this installation. Here's hoping I can indeed reach my own fifth level of self actualisation. I'll return after the on site lighting trial. Bye for now.