Tuesday, 26 November 2013

possible images for promotional material

These are two of my mixed media pieces that I think could be for business cards etc.
I think the blue one is the strongest. It says more about the kind of work I do, and it's brighter.The other one I like as an abstract image, but probably too dark. I think an image of scissors cuts can be seen in the blue one. That would fit well for my mixed media and textile art practice.

I'll be back to blog soon.

time flying by....at speed

I've been spending quite a lot of time trying to come up with examples of promotional materials that fit my style of work.  Also setting up a website for my work.That's taking me a while to navigate my way around the templates, but I'll get there. I'll show the one or two ideas around the class tomorrow and see what people think. Passed Studio Practice 1....phew, that was a huge relief.
a few of the examples

Have also been formulating my concept for the new brief The Emperor's New Clothes. I was making sure that I thought about this one long and hard. I wanted to have a strong concept. Have written my Personal Learning Plan to hand in tomorrow. I'm going back to using manipulating textiles and plastics. 

I'll get a photograph on my blog after this Friday, when I head to Forth Valley Hospital, for the opening of the Aid Awareness Exhibition. I was thrilled to bits for the people who won in the group. They really deserve it. Great art work. Took my own mixed media panel there yesterday. Didn't take long for Babs and I to hang it. It was a thrill to finally see it on the wall. 
Getting the extended essay feedback this week. Hopefully that will be ok and I can keep moving towards my first draft.  
Bye just now from

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Hi there
We find out  about the result of the competition this week. It'll be great for whoever has won. It's amazing that we all had a chance to contribute to Aids Awareness.
I have started  research for the Studio Practice "The Emperor's New Clothes" It's a wide brief and one that I'm looking forward to when I start my developments.
The promotional work that I've been trying to collate is coming on OK. I think. I'll be able to discuss that with Paul tomorrow. I'm finding it a bit frustrating, purely due to my lack of knowledge when it comes to some computer packages. So I'm trying to use what I know. Perhaps this isn't giving me the range of design options, but I have still managed to create possible marketing materials.
The Business Awareness night last Tuesday at Business Enterprise was really helpful and also a good source for networking. I'm heading there again this Wed to the evening that covers marketing, the finance the following week.It's such a great resource, and FREE. I'll try and then transfer any information from that night to my own business promotion.
Extended essay proposal is done for David to hand in this Friday. So, fingers crossed that all's ok with that.
Will be back to post, post feedback so to speak.


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

12/11/13 up-date

The World Aids Day judging team arrived at the College on Friday and all seemed to go well. We all introduced and discussed our finished one by one. Not sure I explained mine as well as I could have. But we'll wait and see what the response is from the visit.It was a really good opportunity for us all to meet them, and for them to see our work.
Also all sketchbooks, statement for assessment, developments etc were left in the class for marking. I'm a bit apprehensive about the feedback from that.Hopefully I'll have covered all aspects needed.
developments & sketchbooks displayed for assessment 
Our Graduation Reports are getting marked this week. (fingers crossed), not that I'm superstitious or anything?? I think we will be given the next Studio Practice tomorrow. I'm devising initial promotional materials and writing my statement of practice for Creative Futures Module. Plus, this week, starting research for the new brief. 
My research on the button and it's use by contemporary artists in continuing. The history and use of buttons is a huge topic ( for something that can be so small ). I'm trying to reduce my research area, but at the same time be aware of the necessary critical analysis, and social issues relevant to the twists and turns of the journey of the button.I'll get there. I'm finding stunning art work on-line, amazing. Can't display anyone else's work on this blog.  But I can mention the name Augusto Esquivel, check him out.
Three of us are heading to the Business Start-up Awareness tonight. This will be really helpful towards future plans and my promotional material decisions. It'll also help garner information with regards to continuing self-employment as a practising artist. 
Bye just now
from a hopeful

Monday, 4 November 2013

working on final abstract mixed media

I need to ask Paul again how I can move these pictures to sit side by side. Sorry, this will have to do just now.I reasonably pleased with the finished work. I wanted to make it uplifting and bright statement about the hope given through Antiretroviral Therapies for HIV sufferers.
Proposed wall for hanging in Forth Valley Hospital

water based varnish on both sides of MDF

first payers of paint mixed and ready for application

 egg shells mixed with gesso and painted layers, plus quink and Milton

final piece nearly finished
 just a few small quink and milton areas to add in

165cm x 60cm
Finished work on College wall - 28/10/2013

Sunday, 3 November 2013

another quick blog

Hi again
Just had to say,I am sitting in my flat at the computer, and a fireworks display is on-going across the street. . It's brilliant.The sky is a blaze with amazing colours.

I'm re-reading my statement for assessment for the final hand in this Thursday. Will be on tomorrow to post those final photos.

S.P. 1 - final piece finished

Ello, ello
Since my last post, I've completed my abstract artwork for the Aids Awareness Day brief.
I can't say that the final mixed media turned out exactly as I would have hoped, but I'm pleased with it.The initial thought of a multi panel didn't materialise by the time I had worked through my developments, but loads learned through this one, that's for sure. Loved making the final panel. I got completely engrossed in it, but in many ways, it was kind of a strange journey getting there.

Also Babs from Forth Valley hospital came into the College, to have a  look at our work, find out which area we had envisaged them displayed within the hospital, and took sizes etc. I created my artwork to go onto a specific wall. Fortunately Babs agreed.

Graduation Report was handed in on time( I saved it this time, everywhere, including in the fridge and under the bed). Can't be too careful, following my last post. Power Point presentations also done. They went well, I think. It was great to hear what everyone saw as their future path, once graduated. I hope for promising feedback.

Essay research is on-going and I found another great book in the College library, that'll help with that called "The Fashioned Body" by Joanne Entwistle.  I'll keep going and hope that I can eventually write an essay structured correctly and packed full of critical analysis. I really hope so.
I'll be posting some photos tomorrow. Couple to check out first.
