Sunday, 8 June 2014

Finished installation and exhibition now on

Hi there
This is the last post linking to my final installation. The opening night went really well and there were quite a few people in to see the exhibition on Friday. It runs till this Wednesday and then we take it down on Thursday, after we get our results. That's going to be a weird day, but I really hope that the results are good for us all. Who knows what will happen.Fingers crossed.
 This is a photo of the installation with one of the sequenced colours.The photograph was taken from the outside of the space. It also has a sound-scape running, and a relaxing scent sprayed when I feel it necessary. The space is really good for people either to view in through the open curtain, go in and close the curtain for a more sheltered and private look, or enter and leave the curtain open. Whatever makes people feel more secure.
I am very pleased with the response. It has turned out as I hoped it would, and that's a joy.My own fifth level of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, that of self actualisation has indeed been met.I can't ask for more than that. Well, yes I can. I can ask for a pass for my degree.Now that would be wonderful. I'll post what happens with that. Also, thanks to anyone who has been reading my blog throughout the final part of my studies.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Exhibition preview tomorrow

Hi again
Almost the last post with regards to my Studio Practice 2 and the end of year exhibition. The setting up of the lighting sequence yesterday went well. Lights set. Soundscape set, and the last minute bits and pieces to sort for the preview tomorrow at 7pm.

I am really please with the end result. My design has worked,and that is thrilling. A better photograph will be posted showing the total installation.Can't really see the top in this photo.I have indeed hit the fifth level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, that of self actualisation. This is a special time. One that I will always remember.
 I took this photograph from the top of the spiral, ladder helped ofcourse. It is showing the vilene tubular section, and the polystyrene inside the steel spiral shape that the vilene is secured into. The LED light was also on. I like this photograph, due to it's composition and the angle at which the photograph was taken.
Will post information once the preview opening has taken place. It will be an exciting and interesting evening.
Bye bye

Sunday, 1 June 2014

exhibition being set up from tomorrow

Hi there
I have completed and attached all the final pieces of wet felting to my spiral of needs. This has  been a real labour of love.The final pieces have taken nearly three weeks to made and attach, but it's been worth every minute. It's been amazing for me to create my intended design solution for my exhibition piece. It's very exciting.
this image shows a lighting experiment prior to completion.

There have been many more sections added to the spiral since this photograph.
I will be finalising the colours for the lighting this week, and adding the sound-scape.Mike is kindly coming back in to the college this Tuesday to help set the colour sequence required on the lighting desk. When the piece is lit with those final colour combinations, then I will be posting a picture.
It will be a busy week for everyone getting ready for the opening on Thursday evening, but I'm sure we'll all get there.
We have to. 
Bye bye