Sunday, 9 March 2014

Studio Practice 2

Hi there
Since my last post I have been working on a design for my final piece. Following the Assessor's visit, I have experimented with a double spiral design for my final piece. I was thinking that the internal spiral would represent the human spirit. This is the section that I plan to have internal LED lighting within. But since trying this, it has made me feel that an internal spiral just does not give me the long tubular effect that I was hoping for. It also made me think that, the internal structure could be the main one to cover with the cob web felting, as opposed to the outer spiral. The design started to alter the message that I was trying to portray, the internal spirit and external needs of a human being. The link to the Helix is a more than relevant one, due to its link to human needs. But me, being me, I then started to explore the helix, and was lead down a route that I felt I did not have time to explore. I felt that I needed to research internal DNA structure and  use materials to portray this. I was aware that the double spiral was perhaps not portraying my original concept. At the moment, I envisage the internal structure as a long straight lit tube,a core, with the steel spiral surrounding this and gradually spiralling up to the fifth level of self actualisation.
I am in the process of making fine felted cobweb pieces to attach to the maquette. I want to see if, when lit, it will give me the desired effect.
small scale wire structure with central tubular section

experiment in class connecting the tubular material.Three sections connected but four would be used in final piece to make the central column taller

This central section is very light, therefore it would be possible to attach from the top, to the low ceiling when displayed.  I connected these with pins, just to get a rough idea of how they could connect. I will experiment with connecting each section with wire, as well as with crochet wire, to see the variety of effects. The middle section, will be secured at the bottom, so that it is grounded at the shelter level, the first level of needs. The lit central section will enable the viewer to see the detail of the silk threads which I intend to include within the materials, wrapped around the spiral, graduating  up depicting the five levels of needs.
I am having a meeting this Tuesday with Mike, a good friend of mine, who has worked with lighting, events lighting and theatre lighting, for many years. I'm looking forward to discussing the possible effects. I will also arrange a meeting the week after to have an experimentation session with using various lighting effects.

Website News
I had a meeting with Stephen again this week, and I think that I am close to a decision for my website name. I've also passed some photographs etc.  for him to get started with the building of the site. I'm meeting him each week.I am hoping that the site is live as soon as is possible. No time to hang about. He's good to deal with. He is straight to the point and seems to understand what I am trying to project through the website.


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