I spent Friday helping Trevor to clear out the room where my installation will be housed for exhibition. This is really good and means that I will be able to work in that space from tomorrow. I feel as though I need a quiet space to work on the structure when I am attaching the pieces.
this is the space before
this is the space after
There will be board attached from just behind the radiator that can be seen in this photo to block off the area at the back of the room. That will be higher than the spiral to ensure there is nothing showing on the shelves to detract from the piece. There was also a great discovery made which will really help to make the space safe and secure for the visitor. There are very large black curtains in the college and these will be large enough to put around the walls. They were brought from the Falkirk campus theatre space when everything was being cleared out there.The entrance between the two black curtains will be at the door into the room. This being done, will also mean that the door to the room will be open but covered. I didn't want people to have to open a door to enter the space. I wanted it to be possible to add sort texture on to the entrance, and the curtain is the answer. This is the solution I hoped for.
Also, I have decided that a sound-scape is required for the space.I want to tap into the human senses. The installation can be touched, if people would like to, they can see my abstract interpretation of human needs, they will then have sound, and I am also going to decide on an appropriate smell. A pleasant but not over powering one for the space. That will be decided soon.
I can't provide a taste for them, I just hope that they don't see my final piece and think it's bad taste.
For the sound I have decided to try and incorporate record tap dance steps. Claire in the class has kindly agreed to help me with that. The link with this is that dance makes people feel alive and feel good. I also see daily movement as a dance, one that's sometimes not consciously choreographed. I am including dance notation symbols on to the mastery section of the spiral. I found it quite difficult to discover what pattern would work for achievement and mastery.It is also a very personal scale from a persons point of view, I think. So, I wanted to include dance and music within that section. These to me, are two of the many forms of mastery of life, but they are two which are important to my own well being, so it seemed fitting to include them. It seems that this journey is starting to take quite a personal slant, that was something that I didn't intend to do at the beginning of Studio Practice 2. I think the nature of the topic I have chosen has lead to this. Perhaps it was inevitable, and I am pleased that it has become a very personal interpretation.
There will be words and other sounds to include, but that is a work in progress at the moment alongside the constructing of the final piece. I should have started thinking about the sound element much sooner. I think I was so busy trying to work out my structure. If doing this again, each element of my project would need to be more looked and allocated different time scales.
Mike is coming into the college this week for us to test the light. That'll be good, and will give me plenty of time if there are adjustments to be made, but it also means I want to have the installation nearing completion by then. The polystyrene circular base which will hold the light and the vilene will be worked on this Wednesday with Alison. I have checked all measurements again for that. No time to waste.
Other News
The PDP presentation took place on Wednesday last week and all promotional materials and folders are now handed in to Paul. Also the deadline for the final hand in for the contextual essay was on Friday.Phew! so now storming ahead with the work for the exhibition and the statement for assessment due a week tomorrow.
Getting there, but I can't add the saying "slowly but surely" to that. Time isn't going slowly at all.
bye for now
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